Annual Meeting for all AMHOA Members
This is the very important annual meeting of AMHOA. During this meeting the community elects members to the Board of Trustees, reviews the financial performance of the prior year, approves […]
This is the very important annual meeting of AMHOA. During this meeting the community elects members to the Board of Trustees, reviews the financial performance of the prior year, approves […]
Regular board meetings are open to all members. Meetings rotate between board member homes. If you have anything present anything at a meeting please let the board know in advance […]
Don't miss the annual fireworks show, BBQ, family activities and music. Celebration is always the Saturday of 4th of July weekend - unless Saturday is the 4th of July in […]
Regular board meetings are open to all members. Meetings rotate between board member homes. If you have anything present anything at a meeting please let the board know in advance […]
Regular board meetings are open to all members. Meetings rotate between board member homes. If you have anything present anything at a meeting please let the board know in advance […]
Regular board meetings are open to all members. Meetings rotate between board member homes. If you have anything present anything at a meeting please let the board know in advance […]
You will not want to miss OktoberFeast. It is a great BBQ and family event with kids activities, BBQ, Music. More details will be posted to the AMR FB page […]
Regular board meetings are open to all members. Meetings rotate between board member homes. If you have anything present anything at a meeting please let the board know in advance […]
November's board meeting schedule was changed to accommodate member schedules and to ensure a quorum was available. The meeting will be held November 13, 2024 at 6:30 via phone/video conference. […]
For many years this was one of the community's signature events and we're thrilled it has been revived. We all need something great to do together these days so don't […]
Regular board meetings are open to all members. Meetings rotate between board member homes. If you have anything present anything at a meeting please let the board know in advance […]